Milestone Anniversaries - Silver, Ruby, Gold, Diamond

(Reprinted from the 1982 Clipper Yearbook)
"This year Xaverian has undergone the great honor of having finally paid off its mortgage. This was celebrated at the 25th Anniversary Party. The parents were treated to fine food and drinks with entertainment provided by The 20th Century Foxes. A string performance was provided by the Department Of Correction Fife and Drum Corps. Brother Medard Shea, Xaverian's second principal, was present to help with the burning of the mortgage which was the highlight of the night. Awards were also given that night to long standing members of the School Committee. Xaverian is now totally ours, ready to sail into the future."

(Reprinted from The Xaverian Navigator newsletter, Winter 1987-88)
"The Culture Of Xaverian H.S."
     "Every School has a culture. Since its opening forty years ago, Xaverian H.S. in Brooklyn has grown a culture envied by school more than double its age. Schools with wealthier constituencies. Schools run by religious orders older than the Xaverian Brotherhood.
The culture centers on practical faith -- its mission to prepare working and mid­dle class boys for the rigors of colleges, professional school, civil service and the military. The Xaverian Brothers them­selves have been overwhelmingly work­ing and middle class men who took up the cudgel of modem education in spite of economic hardship.
     "Today the Brothers have been replaced, but never supplanted by faculty who carry on the same traditions of hard work, Christian values and discipline. Most have advanced degrees in their respective fields. This continuity goes a long way in defining culture at Xaverian.  I look forward to joining the Xaverian faculty in welcoming alumni, current and past parents and friends of the school on April 25th."
Brother Matthew Burke, CFX, Superior General, Xaverian Brothers

(paraphrased from The Xaverian Navigator newsletter,  Spring 2008)

"Xaverian celebrated 50 amazing years on 71st Street and Shore Road with a Mass and a dinner dance on October 20th, 2007. Monsignor Kevin B. Noone, Episcopal Vicar of the Diocese of Brooklyn, was the main celebrant, assisted by Xaverian Chaplain Father Frank Colamaria ’92, Father Gerard Sauer, Deacon Kevin McCormack, Deacon Brian Amore ’80, and Deacon Bruno Schettini ’76.”
“Mass was followed by a dinner dance in the school gymnasium professionally retrofitted with prom décor reminiscent of the XHS senior proms at the Waldof=Astoria. The walls were creatively decorated with poster images of Xaverian and world events dating back to 1957.  Program speakers included Class of 1965 alumnus Brother Arthur Caliman, CFX, Chairmn of the Board of Trusees, and Brother Lawrence Harvey, CFX General Superior.  Speaking on behalf of the community were State Senator Marty Golden and U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer.”

(pending receipt of text and photos)


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.
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